Thirty Questions and Answers about NMN


Thirty Questions and Answers about NMN, everything you want to ask is here!

Through rigorous scientific research, more effects of NMN have been found and confirmed that Nicotinamide mononucleotide can reverse aging, protect the heart, improve myocardial function, enhance metabolism, enhance immunity, improve eye function, increase bone mineral density, improve insulin sensitivity, help weight management, promote fat cell metabolism, reverse vascular aging, protect the liver, help cure alcohol, etc.

When do women start taking NMN supplements?

Women can start taking NMN supplements as early as age 25.

Is NMN taken orally or by injection?

Take it orally. No need for injection, no need to bury the wire, through oral administration can achieve the purpose of anti-aging, non-toxic side effects, no risk.

What is the difference between NR and NMN?

NMN and NR are two precursors that directly and significantly increase intracellular NAD+ levels.

NR molecules are relatively small and can be directly penetrated into cells, converted into Nicotinamide mononucleotide, and then converted into NAD+.

NMN molecules are large, but Slc12a8 protein (also known as NMN transporter) in the small intestine can also directly transport Nicotinamide mononucleotide into the cell interior.

NMN supplier

The merits of NMN and NR are still debated.

NMN can directly increase the level of NAD+.

NR is first converted to Nicotinamide mononucleotide, and then Nicotinamide mononucleotide is used to increase the level of NAD+.

But oral NR does not work well, the scientific reason is that the NR conversion is more nicotinamide than the NMN the body wants.

It has a rate-limiting enzyme that controls this step and cannot be reversed.

What is the relationship between NAD+ and NMN?

The efficacy of NMN is mainly derived from NAD+, which really plays an anti-aging role after it enters the body and is transformed.

NMN and NAD+ are both endogenous substances of the human body, NMN is the most direct way to supplement NAD+, and Nicotinamide mononucleotide is the safest way to supplement NAD+.

The molecular weight of NAD+ is too large to enter the tissue directly.

The advantage of NMN is that it is not restricted by rate-limiting enzymes, and can directly enter the cell to transform into NAD+, and has no side effects, and will not affect the activity of various enzymes in the supplement synthesis pathway.

Therefore, it is the best means to supplement NAD+.

Why is the prevention of aging the prevention of disease?

The international medical community has recognized that the most dangerous enemy of life is aging. Aging is a threat to human health, and the fatal diseases of human beings are basically related to aging.

The problem of rapid aging makes the incidence of various age-related diseases, that is, chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, hypertension and hyperlipidemia, obesity, diabetes, low immunity, endocrine diseases, various cancers and other chronic diseases, seriously threatening human health.

To prevent aging is to improve human health in general and try to avoid the onset of diseases or chronic diseases.

nmn powder
nmn powder

The common feature of all aging-related diseases is that the incidence increases with age.

Just as a flood comes and held back by a dam, once the dam breaks somewhere, all other bodily functions begin to affected.

Even if one of them cured, it will eventually dragged down by various other complications, which the short-board effect of aging.

On the other hand, if you prevent the aging process of the whole body, you can indirectly delay the occurrence of many diseases.

Can NMN boost energy?

It’s okay.

NMN supplements the body’s NAD+, which is the most critical and hard-working of all coenzymes.

It participates in thousands of biological catalytic reactions in the body and is an essential coenzyme for the human body.

It can activate the “energy factory” of mitochondria, promote the cycle process of tricarboxylic acid, regulate the rate of energy production, produce ATP, provide energy, and enhance energy.

Can NMN Improve immunity?

It’s okay.

An important factor that we have guided to lead to age-related diseases and their progression is the decline in immune function, including the decline in the potency of NK cells.

Scholars from the world-renowned Juntenbu University in Japan have found that NMN enhances the activity of NK cells, a type of lymphocyte that is part of our innate immune system.

Rapid immune response to tumor cells and abnormal cells infected by viruses can improve immunity.

Why can NMN effectively reduce the side toxic reaction caused by chemoradiotherapy?

Chemotherapy can effectively kill cancer cells, but it also causes damage to healthy human cells, such as increasing aging repair packages, damage to organ orphans and widows, and significant aging speed of patients.

NMN Manufacturer
NMN Manufacturer

Well-known academic institutions at home and abroad have explored the efficacy of NMN in alleviating chemotherapy damage, alleviating cisplatin ototoxicity, alleviating cisplatin cognitive impairment, and alleviating doxorubicin cardiotoxicity, etc.

Therefore, Nicotinamide mononucleotide is expected to become an auxiliary intervention means during chemotherapy.

In clinical treatment, many drugs will have toxic and side effects on non-targeted sites, especially in the course of chemoradiotherapy, chemotherapy drugs will cause damage to normal cells and lead to impaired organ function.

Experiments have shown that coenzyme I can protect normal cells, reduce neutropenia during chemoradiotherapy, improve the tolerance of chemoradiotherapy, and alleviate the toxic and side effects of chemoradiotherapy.

The injection of coenzyme I directly increased the content of Coenzyme I(NAD) in renal cells, decreased the apoptosis of renal cells, and alleviated the renal toxicity caused by platinum and other chemotherapy drugs.

NAD + administration can significantly reduce DNA damage induced by synchrotron radiation X-ray, which will provide a basis for coenzyme I combined with radiotherapy for tumor treatment. NMN is an effective prerequisite for supplementing NAD+.

Does NMN protect against radiation?

Professor David Sinclair, PhD, of Harvard Medical School, won the 2017 iTech competition for his solution to a biological problem: the NAD+ precursor, NMN, can directly repair DNA damage caused by radiation exposure or aging.

When mice treated with NAD+ and niacinamide mononucleotides (NMN), the ability of their cells to repair DNA damage caused by radiation exposure or aging improved.

Because NAD+ precursor NMN can directly repair DNA damage caused by radiation exposure or aging, NASA also selected NAD+ precursor Nicotinamide mononucleotide to resist radiation.

Radiation not only a problem faced by astronauts, many foreign and radiation-related practitioners will take the initiative to supplement NAD+, resist aging, for example, laboratory work, radiation risk related scientific researchers (hardware engineers), pilots, air stewardesses, frequent travel trapeze, often exposed to the sun outdoor workers.

Why does NMN stimulate blood vessel growth and delay muscle atrophy?

In the cell experiment, the growth ability of human and mouse endothelial cells enhanced and the cell mortality reduced after NMN treatment.

In animal experiments, injecting NMN into a group of mice aged 20 months (roughly equivalent to 70 years in human years) normalized the number and density of capillaries in the mice, as well as significantly increased blood flow to the muscles, and the blood supply to the muscles was significantly higher than that of mice of the same age who did not receive NMN.

Can NMN Prevent cancer?

NAD+ is the substrate of ADP ribosyltransferase or ribosylpolymerase (PARP), which is located in the nucleus of various cells. When free radicals and oxidants damage cells, DNA single strand will broken, and PARP will activated.

Activated PARP uses Coenzyme I(NAD+) as the substrate to transfer ADP ribosylase to the target protein.

Niacinamide (Nam) also produced, and these target proteins involved in a variety of functions such as DNA repair, gene expression, cell cycle progression, cell survival, chromosome reconstruction, and gene stability.

Studies have shown that PARP has a positive effect on the treatment of cancer, playing a multifunctional role in various cancer-related processes, including DNA repair, recombination, cell proliferation, or cell death.

I heard that NMN prevents cancer, but also causes cancer?

There are currently no reproducible, accepted studies proving that NMN causes cancer.

The idea that NMN causes cancer stems from a study published by the University of Pennsylvania in 2019, which found that NMN promoted the increase of diseased areas in mice with cancer, and concluded that “NMN may accelerate the further deterioration of cancerous tissues.”

But three years later, similar experiments have failed to produce any reproducible results.

On the contrary, in 2021, Zhu Junjie et al from the Pulmonary Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University also injected NMN into mice with cancer, and the tumors did not grow larger or smaller, but the weight of the mice reduced due to NMN.

In recent years, it has confirmed that NMN plays a positive role in cancer therapies such as immunotherapy (PD-L1-related), CAR-T therapy, and NK cell therapy by delaying immune cell aging and enhancing immune cell function.

Why does NMN increase exercise endurance?

The decline in exercise endurance will caused by aging, and the power source of human movement is skeletal muscle.

Skeletal muscle contraction, skeletal traction, and skeletal muscle’s ability to take in and use oxygen are the determinants of exercise endurance.

Sinclair’s team found back in 2018 that NMN can enhance energy production and increase physical endurance by more than 50 percent.

Last year, the first NMN human clinical publication in China:

NMN can increase the oxygen utilization rate of skeletal muscle to improve aerobic exercise capacity, exercise performance and exercise endurance.

Vascular endothelial cells maintain the healthy growth of blood vessels and deliver oxygen-rich and nutrient-rich blood to organs and tissues.

But with age, these endothelial cells gradually age, blood vessels atrophy, new blood vessels fail to form, and blood flow to most parts of the body gradually decreases.

Because muscles are highly vascularized and rely on large amounts of blood to function, this dynamic change is particularly prominent in muscles.

Using NMN, a synthetic precursor of two molecules present in the body, David Sinclai, a professor at Harvard Medical School, successfully reversed blood vessel atrophy and muscle atrophy in aging mice and increased their exercise endurance.

Does NMN prevent neurodegenerative diseases?

NMN promotes neurovascular regeneration in older people mice:

The transcriptional footprint, mitochondrial protection, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic effects of SIRT1 activation, and the structural and functional changes of neurovascular units induced by aging lead to the impairment of neurovascular coupling response, the disorder of cerebral blood flow and the increase of neuroinflammation, all of which are important pathogenesis of age-related vascular cognitive impairment (VCI).

Restoring cellular NAD+ levels can save neurovascular function, increase cerebral blood flow, and improve cognitive ability.

Therefore, it may be an effective intervention in neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease).

Experiments have shown that by supplementing NAD+, neuroprotection against traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis improved, neuromuscular normalization achieved, and memory decline delayed.

Alzheimer’s disease characterized by a reduction in NAMPT and impaired differentiation of neural stem cells. Activation of NAMPT activity or supplementation with NAD+ reduces the increase in β-amyloid content and improves Alzheimer’s disease through PGC-1α-mediated β-secretase (BACE1) degradation and induction of mitochondrial biosynthesis.

Can NMN cure alcohol and protect liver?

Alcohol converted into acetaldehyde in the body by ethanol dehydrogenase and NAD+, and acetaldehyde converted into acetic acid, that, vinegar, under the action of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and NAD+, and then enters the tricarboxylic acid cycle to produce the energy molecule ATP, and produces carbon dioxide and water to expelled from the body.

Oral administration of NMN before drinking can rapidly increase the NAD+ content in the body in about 15-30 minutes, greatly improving the speed of alcohol metabolism and decomposition, and reducing liver damage.

NMN can promote alcohol metabolism and enhance the body’s tolerance to alcohol.