NMN against vascular aging 5 benefits!

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases pose a serious threat to health

NMN against vascular aging 5 benefits! Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases can eat!

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are common in middle-aged and older people people over 50 years old. With age, the human blood flow will slow down, prone to blood viscosity, hyperlipidemia, blood viscosity, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and other health problems.

Spring weather is changeable, when cold and hot, this kind of cold and hot weather, easy to make the blood vessel constriction, blood vessel constriction assembly leads to unstable blood pressure, easy to induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are a serious threat to health, and the death rate in China is second only to cancer.

NMN can delay vascular senescence

NMN can activate longevity protein Sirtuins in the body, also known as silencing regulatory proteins, which are class III histone deacetylases dependent on NAD+ in mammals. It plays a key role in regulating human growth and development, aging and various diseases by regulating the acetylation level of various proteins in cells.

Recent studies have found that Sirtuins are closely related to vascular remodeling diseases through a variety of mechanisms.

NMN can delay vascular senescence

After oral administration, NMN can be rapidly absorbed by the human body, penetrate the cell membrane, synthesize NAD+ in the cell, improve the level of NAD+ in the human body, thus reversing the aging process of blood vessels, and significantly help to prevent and improve cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

NMN can prevent cerebral infarction

Cerebral infarction is the most common type of cerebrovascular diseases, accounting for about 70% of all acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, mostly in middle-aged and older people patients, and the proportion of female and male patients is basically the same.

In recent years, researchers have found that NMN can prevent brain infarction.

In 2019, researchers from the Division of Geriatric Medicine at the US Health Sciences Center found that NMN can improve the dilation of vascular endothelial cells and promote blood circulation.
NMN can prevent cerebral infarction

After entering the cell, NMN can effectively converted into NAD+, increasing the level of NAD+, and NAD+ can improve the expression of Sirtuins, reduce the attack of free radicals on mitochondria, maintain the function of intracellular mitochondria, and enable mitochondria to produce nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide is a very important cell relaxin, the release of nitric oxide, the degree of vasodilation will be greatly improved, not only to promote cardiovascular circulation, but also to effectively improve the cognitive function of the brain.

This finding not only provides theoretical support for NMN’s effective enhancement of endothelial cell relaxation and brain tissue blood supply, but also provides a new research direction for preventing cerebral infarction and improving cerebral cognitive function.

NMN can prevent cerebral infarction

NMN can reduce cerebral hemorrhage injury

Cerebral hemorrhage often occurs in patients over 50 years old with a history of hypertension, with a high mortality rate and high disability rate, which seriously threatens human health.

Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) It is a primary brain injury caused by a mechanical injury, causing the condition of hematoma. Secondary injury may sometimes develop, primarily with subsequent pathological and physiological changes, including disruption of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), haemoglobin induced iron overload, nerve cell death, neuroinflammation, and oxidative stress.

Studies have found that NMN can activate the NAD+ defense system, protect cerebral nerves, promote vascular nerve regeneration, repair nerve damage caused by cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral hemorrhage transformation, and is a potential anti-stroke treatment drug.

NMN can reduce cerebral hemorrhage injury

NMN can protect against ischemic brain injury

In addition, further research by the scientific team has shown that NMN can enhance the expression of cellular protective proteins, inhibit brain neuroinflammation and oxidative stress, and reduce damage after intracerebral hemorrhage.

NMN prevents arteriosclerosis

Healthy arteries are resilient, but as we age, the artery walls harden, which is often referred to as arteriosclerosis.

In May 2019, Kiss Tamas and other scientists in the Department of Geriatric Medicine at the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, through experimental studies in mouse models, showed that NMN can reverse the level of a substance called MIRNA in blood vessels, making the epigenetic younger, and thus resist atherosclerosis.

Simply put, NMN can prevent arteriosclerosis and aging of blood vessels.

Through continuous research, scientists have found that NMN can reduce the degree of arteriosclerosis, improve the elasticity of blood vessel walls, soften blood vessels in the older people, and prevent and improve cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Factory