The best time to take NMN

The best time to take NMN

Why is NMN anti-aging?

NMN, or β-nicotinamide mononucleotide, is a precursor of the human coenzyme (NAD+). In the cell, NMN is involved in a variety of important physiological activities and plays a crucial role.

NMN has the function of activating cells. It can promote the metabolism of cells, provide energy for cells, and maintain the normal operation of cells.

NMN also has significant anti-aging effect. As a person ages, the level of NAD + in the body gradually declines. NMN can supplement the body’s NAD+ and increase its level.

NAD + is involved in thousands of biocatalytic reactions in the human body and is an essential substance in the human body.

When NAD + levels are elevated, it can repair damaged cells and DNA, improve body function, and maintain a youthful state.

NMN can also enhance immunity and improve sleep. It can improve the body’s immunity and resistance, reducing the possibility of illness.

For people with insomnia and dreams, NMN can improve the function of the brain system, improve sleep quality, and make people’s mental state better and better.

As a precursor of human coenzyme (NAD+), NMN participates in a variety of important physiological activities in cells, and plays an important role in starting cells and delaying senescence.

The best time to take it under scientific research

(1) The association between biological clock and NAD + metabolism

Human biological clock is like a set of sophisticated clock system, under normal circumstances, like the real clock, 24 hours a day regular operation.

At each point in time, the body produces specific hormones for specific physiological activities. As we age, NAD +, an important “fuel” in the human body, continues to decrease during the aging process.

This leads to the gradual loss of SIRT1, a long-life protein needed to keep the clock running, which makes the clock more and more inaccurate.

After many people enter middle age, they doze off during the day and suffer from insomnia and anxiety at night, and one of the core reasons is the decline in NAD + levels.

The association between biological clock and NAD + metabolism

Under the action of the biological clock, the body’s cells will be more excited at a certain time.

Studies have shown that NAD + metabolism and SIRT1 activity in cells peak around noon. This means that taking NMN supplements at the time when the body’s metabolism of NAD + peaks can achieve greater utilization.

Based on mathematical models and experimental results, SIRT1 activity in young people will increase by 36 percent and in older people by 14.2 percent.

(2) Proposed time based on research

According to biological research reports, taking NMN at noon (six hours after waking up) will maximize the utilization of NAD + by cells.

However, it is important to note that these conclusions are based on models, the data is idealized, standardized, and does not apply to everyone.

Because not everyone’s biological clock is the same in reality, you can’t just take NMN according to the noon of the real time, but you should find the noon of your biological clock.

It is recommended that you take NMN 6 hours after getting up on the basis of your daily routine.

If you usually wake up at 7am, taking NMN around 1am May be a good time.

Everyone’s living habits and biological clock are different, some people may need to stay up late because of the nature of the work, or have different sleep duration,

which needs to be adjusted according to their actual situation.

In the process of taking NMN, you should also pay attention to continuing to take,

and comply with the normal daily intake, in order to fully play the role of NMN.

Find the time to take NMN that suits your biological clock to better achieve its efficacy.

Different population taking time recommendations

(1) People without underlying diseases

For people without underlying diseases, NMN can taken on an empty stomach with warm water in the morning and 30 minutes before lunch,

following the principle of eating 6 hours after getting up every day.

In the fasting state, NMN can absorbed by the body more quickly, thus playing its role better.

According to relevant studies, in the fasting state of the human body,

the absorption capacity of the digestive system will enhanced,

and it can more effectively transport NMN to the cell to participate in the synthesis of NAD +.

For example, a healthy office worker gets up at 7 am every day and takes NMN on an empty stomach around 7:30, when the body is just waking up, NMN can quickly absorbed to provide energy for the day’s work and life.

People without underlying diseases

At around 11:30 at noon, taking NMN again 30 minutes before meals can maintain the good condition of the body in the afternoon. Do not sleep well, avoid taking at night.

(2) Those with basic diseases and gastrointestinal disorders

People with underlying diseases (such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, heart disease, etc.) and gastrointestinal disorders advised to take NMN 30 minutes after meals.

This because the physical condition of this group of people relatively special,

and taking it on an empty stomach may cause irritation to the stomach or interact with the medication that taken. Taking it after meals can reduce irritation to the stomach and intestines, while also avoiding conflicts with medications.

For example, a patient with high blood pressure who takes NMN 30 minutes after a meal can avoid the adverse effects that may occur when NMN taken at the same time as blood pressure medication. Food can protect the stomach to a certain extent and reduce the irritation of NMN on the stomach.

(3) The interval between taking other drugs

Long-term use of NMN helpful to stabilize blood pressure and improve insulin sensitivity,

and the time of taking antihypertensive drugs and hypoglycemic drugs should staggered for more than 2 hours,

and blood pressure and blood sugar should monitored regularly.

This recommendation is based on studies of the interaction of β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide with antihypertensive and hypoglycemic drugs.

NMN involved in various physiological processes in the human body, including the regulation of blood sugar and blood pressure.

Antihypertensive and hypoglycemic drugs also have specific mechanisms of action and administration requirements.

Studies have shown that NMN can enhance the energy metabolism and repair ability of cells by increasing the level of NAD + in the human body,

thus playing a positive role in the stability of blood pressure and blood sugar.

Antihypertensive and hypoglycemic drugs work in different ways to lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels. If NMN taken at the same time as antihypertensive or hypoglycemic drugs, the effect may amplified.

Not suitable for people taking NMN

(1) People under the age of 18

People under the age of 18 are in a critical period of physical growth and development,

and the level of NAD + in the body is usually in a relatively high state, and it is meaningless to supplement NMN.

According to research, the body functions of people under the age of 18 are in the rising stage,

and their own NAD + synthesis ability is strong, which can meet the normal needs of the body.

If β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide blindly supplemented, it may lead to disorder of hormone levels in the body and affect normal growth and development.

(2) Pregnant and lactating women

Pregnant women not advised to use NMN,

which may cause certain effects on the development of the fetus due to drug ingredients.

For lactating women, β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide components may transmitted to the baby through milk, resulting in potential risks to the baby’s health.

At present, the safety of NMN in pregnant and lactating women not clear,

and it not recommended for pregnant and lactating women to take NMN for the sake of the health of the fetus and the baby.

(3) Patients with gout attack

Taking NMN in patients with gout may lead to an increase in uric acid,

which leads to an acute attack of gout, which is not conducive to the health of patients.

(4) Cancer patients

NMN is not recommended for patients with a broken immune system who are taking multiple drugs at the same time.