Can NMN lose weight?

Can NMN lose weight

Ways to increase your metabolic rate include increasing muscle mass, doing regular aerobic exercise and strength training, getting enough sleep, managing stress, and supplementing with NMN.

Obesity is now a global problem.

With the high pressure working environment, the frequency of poor diet and rest is rising, the number of higher weight people is increasing, and the number of people who lose weight is increasing.

It was reported that there were 600 million searches for weight loss in the second half of 2018, and the obesity rate in China reached 12% in 2019.

But those who lose weight from the beginning to the end are very low, the root cause is actually poor metabolism.

The principle of weight loss:

to maintain a negative energy state, that is, to consume fewer calories than the calories consumed, the body uses stored fat to supplement energy, thus consuming fat, resulting in weight loss.

Energy intake comes from the total amount of food we eat each day, and energy expended is mainly divided into two categories: basal metabolic rate and physical activity.

Basal metabolic rate refers to the minimum energy expenditure required to maintain life in a resting state, including basic physiological functions such as breathing, heartbeat, and body temperature maintenance.

Physical activity refers to daily movements and additional exercise that increase energy expenditure.

If you want to lose weight successfully, it is simple to reduce your intake and increase your consumption. It is difficult to lose weight by controlling diet alone, but also the effect of exercise to lose weight can shown.

The McKinsey Global Institute reported in 2014 that if the current growth rate continues, nearly half of the world’s adults will be heavier person or higher weight by 2030.

But people with a poor metabolism are distressed.

Poor metabolism refers to the body using less energy per unit of time than normal, which can lead to weight gain or difficulty losing weight.

Some people are born with poor metabolism, but even if the metabolism is very good, but with the growth of age, the metabolic ability will decline, especially after the age of 30.

Men generally have a higher metabolic rate than women because men generally have a higher percentage of muscle in their bodies, and muscle tissue uses more energy in its resting state than fat tissue.

Can NMN lose weight?

NMN does not directly contribute to weight loss or fat burning. But NMN can indirectly contribute to weight loss.

Look at the efficacy of NMN in promoting weight loss:

01 Boost Metabolism:

NMN can increase the level of NAD+ in the body. It well known that NAD+ plays a key role in cell energy production and cellular response, participating in hundreds of cellular reactions and enhancing cell activity.

NAD+ can fundamentally promote cell metabolism, increase energy consumption, and indirectly contribute to fat loss.

02 Regulate intestinal flora balance:

NMN may also improve digestion and absorption function by regulating the balance of intestinal flora, which helps promote the digestion and metabolism of food.

03 Support for fat decomposition:

NMN has the ability to increase the activity of the ATGL enzyme, which plays a key role in breaking down triglycerides.

Triglycerides the main type of fat stored in the body, so NMN may support lipolysis by promoting the expression of this enzyme to achieve a healthier weight.

NMN can’t make you lose fat directly, but there’s no doubt that it can help you burn fat faster.

If you are trying to lose weight through exercise and it is not working out well, join NMN to help you.