NMN top 10 roles: Helping women be healthier

The help of NMN for women is extensive

For women, the help of NMN is extensive. Studies have shown that NMN can effectively improve women’s health, such as improving blood sugar metabolism, reducing inflammation, reducing body fat content, delaying premature ovarian failure, and so on.

Not only that, internal or external use of NMN ingredient products also play a prominent role in improving the skin. NMN Factory

1. NMN Improve skin texture

The effect of β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide on skin is mainly reflected in promoting cell metabolism, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. NMN helps regulate skin cell metabolism and promotes collagen production, which improves skin elasticity, water content and shine.

In addition, β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide can also inhibit oxidative damage to the skin and reduce the appearance of aging signs such as skin wrinkles and sagging.

NMN Improve skin texture

2. NMN Improve immunity

Immunomodulation of NMN is very important for women. β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide can enhance the body’s immunity against viral and bacterial invasion, reduce the incidence of colds and other common infections, and thus stimulate the activity of immune cells.

NMN can also increase energy levels and help women cope better with the stresses of daily life and work.

NMN Improve immunity

3. Relieve menopausal symptoms

NMN has a significant effect on relieving menopausal symptoms. NMN can help relieve the discomfort of menopause, such as hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, and mood swings.

In addition, β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide can also promote the repair and regeneration of reproductive organs, providing women with a more comfortable and healthy menopause process.

Relieve menopausal symptoms

4. Avoid gynecological inflammation

Studies have shown that the long-lived protein Sirtuins1-6 can be activated after supplementing with NMN and increasing NAD+ levels. Proteins such as Sirtuins can play an anti-inflammatory role in alleviating diseases associated with gynecological inflammation and aging.

If NAD+ levels drop, inflammation (gynecological inflammation such as chronic pelvic inflammation and chronic cervicitis) will worsen. Therefore, women taking β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide can reduce or improve gynecological inflammation and make women’s lives healthier.

Avoid gynecological inflammation

5. NMN anti-aging

The anti-aging effect of NMN has been proven in many ways. It can protect the integrity of cell membranes, slow down the aging of cells, and extend their service life.

In addition, β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide can also remove free radicals, reduce the damage of oxidative stress on the body, and slow down the aging process in the skin, joints, eyes and other parts.

Together, these functions provide women with a younger, more energetic physical condition.

NMN anti-aging

6. Improve cardiovascular health

NMN has a positive effect on cardiovascular health. It can lower blood pressure and heart rate, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide can help prevent arteriosclerosis and thrombosis, thereby reducing blood lipid levels and stabilizing plaque formation.

This is important for women who are at risk for cardiovascular disease.

Improve cardiovascular health

7. Promote postpartum recovery

NAD+ It is a key coenzyme in the human body, it is involved in various physiological processes, such as energy metabolism, maintenance of DNA stability, antioxidant and so on. Studies have shown that NMN can increase the level of NAD+, thereby helping maternal muscle strength, improve muscle endurance, and prevent postpartum muscle damage.

In addition, NMN also has a certain anti-inflammatory effect. Postpartum inflammation is one of the important causes of muscle injury, through the use of β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, can help maternal reduce inflammatory response, reduce inflammation to muscle damage. NMN also promotes wound healing and speeds up the postpartum recovery process.

Promote postpartum recovery

8. Protect ovarian health

NMN is also a vitamin B derivative that protects cells from damage by improving their oxidative stress state. β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide plays an important role in many organisms, one of which is its effect on the female ovary.

NMN can protect ovarian cells from damage by inhibiting the production of free radicals. It can inhibit the inflammatory response, so as to play an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal role, effectively prevent and improve inflammation problems.

Secondly, β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide can also promote the division and proliferation of ovarian cells, replace aging and withered cells in time, and further improve the vitality of ovarian cells. This is conducive to ovarian disease and ovarian disease repair.

Protect ovarian health

9. Improve fertility

A study published in Cell in August 2020 illustrates how the NAD+ precursor molecule β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide can not only produce more eggs, but also improve mitochondrial function by restoring NAD+ levels in the oocytes of aging animals, thereby improving egg quality and fertility.

The results of this study suggest that β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide can promote women’s gynecological health care to some extent. The researchers found that supplementing with NMN not only resulted in more eggs being obtained, but also promoted the formation of high-quality mature eggs in female animals, thereby increasing fertilization and blastocyst development rates.

Improve fertility

10. NMN improves sleep quality

Finally, NMN also has a significant effect on women’s sleep quality. Studies have shown that β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide can improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia and fatigue by regulating the disturbed body clock.